Marceline and Gunter

Marceline and Gunter sharing a box

Here they are sharing a box

Marcy being strange

Marceline sometimes goes by Marcy or Mama or Mamacita. She is a strange creature.

Marcy hates mondays

Marcy hates mondays

Gunter being a special boy

Gunter, AKA Goonts, AKA Bubuh, AKA Bubie, AKA Boba Wasabi, is a very special boy... whMMmo come to think of it, probably doesn't know what his real name is.

Gunter in a christmass tree

Here he is in my parents christmas tree


Rosie enjoying nature

Rosie, more formally Rosalind Franklin, or Wosie to those who know her well is my old roommates cat. She is very good cat so I had to include her. Here she is enjoying nature.

Rosie looking guilty of knocking over her cat grass

and here she looks guilty of knocking over her cat grass